
This is the online ePortfolio of Jun Hu, Justin Shek (0842536), and Arthur Wong (0957192), students in the Medical Radiation Sciences [Radiography] program with McMaster University and Mohawk College.

Radiographic imaging is a fundamental component of diagnosis in the clinical setting. However, there are various potential sources of error that can produce images that are unusable for diagnosis. The aim of quality control in the radiographic imaging setting is to minimize errors made because of human or apparatus error.

The content of this ePortfolio pertains to the labs, modules, assignments, and assessments of our quality control course, MEDRADSC 3H03: Quality Control in Radiography. By discussing the expectations, goals, and achievements of the aforementioned material, we hope to show how our understanding and appreciation of quality control practices in a radiographic setting will progress.

We have chosen to create this ePortfolio through an online blog format over other formats for three reasons:

1. Various media formats (text, audio, video, images, etc.) are supported
2. Online hosting makes updates and posts possible from virtually anywhere
3. Updates can be added at the poster's leisure and are not restricted to any one user's computer

Furthermore, by posting directly online it is our hope that information and knowledge in this ePortfolio can be more rapidly shared with the world than through conventional means.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dark Noise

               As technology is getting more and more advanced, more beneficial equipments are being developed in diagnostic imaging.  Examples like DR and CR are huge improvements compare to the film screen in the past.  However, having good quality equipments does not mean they do not need to do any testings or maintenance.  In fact, in order to keep up the performance of these advanced equipments, regular checkups are required and that is the purpose of quality control. Dark Noise is a quality control method for CR readers. It is a simple and fast control test because it only requires one to erase a cassette and then process it without exposure.  A cassette and a CR processing station are the materials that one needs to perform this test.              
The purpose of a Dark Noise test is to give indication of system noise.  This is extremely important to diagnostic imaging because if a CR reader is not working properly, there would be artifacts showing up on the image and these artifacts would lead to inaccurate diagnosis and increase patient dose.  Therefore, a dark noise test should be done once in a while to ensure the CR reader is performing properly.  Another reason that this test is important is because it also ensures the uniformity of the CR reader.  Although there are other quality control test that would test the uniformity of the CR reader, this test can also ensure the reader is working in a consistent manner. 
The image above is a picture that i took during the lab. It is the result of the dark noise test. As one can see, there are no artifacts at all and the exposure index is 10. According to the guideline for safety, the exposure index of GE should not be exceeding 80.Thus, our CR reader passed the Dark noise test.

1 comment:

  1. what is definition of drak noise ,how it can make???
