Normally, when x-ray technologists input a
given radiographic technique, the radiation intensity produced by the x-ray
generator should be same from one exposure to another when using the same
technique. In order to check the reproducibility of the x-ray unit and mammo
unit, we need to take 10 consecutive exposures and record each reading from Rad
Check. For each exposure, we need to change the factor settings to provide different
combinations of mAs.
Before each exposure, we need to put an apron on table then put Rad Check on it. It is showed in the picture below:
Reproducibility for mammo unit:
Because the mammo unit in our department does
not allow us to change exposure time or mA, the combination of mAs cannot be
changed. In this lab, we keep mAs same for each exposure.
5 mAs @ 25 kVp, 100 cm SID:
Exposure #1
Rad Check Reading
Xi = ith
exposure measurement
= mean value of
exposure measurements
n = number of
exposure measurements
C= 1/0.0966 * {[(0.096-0.0966)2 +
(0.097-0.0966)2 + (0.097-0.0966)2 + (0.096-0.0966)2
+ (0.097-0.0966)2 + (0.097-0.0966)2 + (0.096-0.0966)2
+ (0.097-0.0966)2 + (0.096-0.0966)2 + (0.097-0.0966)2] / 9}1/2 = 0.0053457
For two extreme values 0.096 and 0.097:
According to SC33, Coefficient of radiation
for any 10 consecutive radiation should not be greater than 0.05. Mean value of
10 measurements should be within 15%. Therefore, the reproducibility of mammo
unit in our department is within acceptable limits.
Reproducibility for a x-ray unit in room 4:
5 mAs @ 60 kVp, 100 cm SID:
Xi = ith
exposure measurement
= mean value of
exposure measurements
n = number of
exposure measurements
C = 1/0.0128{[(0.013-0.0128)2 *
8 + (0.012-0.0128)2 * 2]/9}1/2 = 0.03294
For the two extreme values 0.012 and 0.013:
According to HARP, Coefficient of radiation for any 10 consecutive
radiation should not be greater than 0.08. Mean value of 10 measurements should
be within 20%.
According to SC35, Coefficient
of radiation for any 10 consecutive radiation should not be greater than 0.05.
Mean value of 10 measurements should be within 15%.
No matter which
reference we choose, the x-ray unit in room 4 is within acceptable limits.